UPC Direct 0.8W
UPC Direct Package (0.8°W)[Cryptoworks]
Thor (0.8°W)
* Provider Name: UPC Direct
* Provider Indent: 0D02A0 (0D02:0000A0)
* Note: Not supported by all EMUs, different Cryptoworks NANO's used to ORF, Austriasat, CS/SkyLink.... eg for DVB Plug in's a new Cryptoworks.mdl must be used (Download)
Thor (0.8°W)
* Provider Name: UPC Direct
* Provider Indent: 0D02A0 (0D02:0000A0)
Key00: 307249C2E6CA1BFC698C79B4C64E810C ; OPKey
System Card: C4FFB330795B ; System Card Key06
Key B0: 816C84602F6B10BE2BF52D0C7E9F8DD04585AF233C3E68B908329308074FBC3D97E4E352B8A0490C0E8BB7428E015792057560605284D3C489838DCB35670080 ; RSA Key
* Note: Not supported by all EMUs, different Cryptoworks NANO's used to ORF, Austriasat, CS/SkyLink.... eg for DVB Plug in's a new Cryptoworks.mdl must be used (Download)